Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Writer Envy

Do you ever get jealous of other authors? Not just the bestselling authors, but what about the authors who are just hard at working doing their craft and making a living writing? Well, I have to be honest, I do get envious. I want to know what they're doing and how they're doing it so I can do it, too. It's not brain surgery, I don't think, but it does require discipline, good writing (not necessaryily great writing) and a willingness and know-how to promote yourself.

When I think about authors I would like to emulate I think of Elizabeth Gilbert and Jeanette Wells. They were, virtually, unknowns before their books and now, they are considered great successes with their first book. How did they do it? What did they do that I could copy? I'm on a mission to discover their process along with other authors who are similar and to mirror their process.

Tony Robbins, whom I have followed for many years, as well as other master teachers of accomplishing great things in your life, demonstrates by his own life that  mimicking success will, if done with passion and conviction, bring similar results to you.

I'm on a quest to make the writing life, fulltime. What are you willing to do to create a successful writing career? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas.


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