Monday, January 11, 2010

Time For Everything

Is there enough time do everything you want to do? I always seem to feel that I don't have enough time to do all that needs to be done. And, yes, I've written about this before and obviously, it's something I'm still struggling with to get a handle on. So, today is a new day and I'm looking at my desk, literally and my computer desktop, e-mail, blogs, social networks and I'm feeling like I'm going to just have a meltdown.

I have to realize I am only one person and in this one life that I have, I need to also make time to chill-out, but when I do make time to chill-out, I feel guilty because I'm not producing. HELP! Okay, yes, I grew up with a guilt complex being Catholic, but at some point you have to let it go-right? Now, it really comes back to organizing my priorities. That's the real issue here.

I'm going to regroup this week and sort out my priorities. I know it will help me breathe a little easier. Any one have suggestions on how to do all that needs to be done in the given amount of time?

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