Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Media Attention

How does any author, today, get the media's attention? How can your book compete with current events, celebrity book releases or vampires?

It's true that the media's attention goes with the direction of the wind. You may have just landed a national television interview only to be bumped by an earthquake happening on the other side of the planet or a health epidemic.

Some celebrities can knock you right off the air and the bookshelf.

How about the vampire rage? Everyone is growing fangs and maybe that's not such a bad idea.  What I mean is, instead of trying to compete, ride on their coattails.

Think about your book...can you tie it into current events? Is it possible to have a celebrity write the forward or endorse it? How about those underworld characters-is there a way to include some aspect of them in your book?

You may just be able to generate some unexpected publicity if you're willing to go along with the flow than fight it.

1 comment:

Tahlia said...

Can we fight it?

I'm finding your blog very helpful. I've completed the first novel in a series of YA fantasy novels and found an agent (that was pretty amazing and a good sign, especially in the Australian market), now I'm looking at getting the name out there, so your blog is very relevant. I've started with my own blog following my progress and the hits are growing, so something must be working.

You might like to have a look, ch 1 is there on the 'Lethal Inheritance' page. it's