Sunday, January 10, 2010

One Day At A Time

Sometimes I overwhelm myself with all that I know that I want and need to do.  I have to remember to take a deep breath and keep it all in perspective.  While working on my next book proposal I'm reminded that I would like to hire an assistant who could be implementing all the tips, tricks and tactics I'm learning for my previous book and the next one.  There's so much an author can and should do to promote, publicize and pitch their book/s that I do begin to hyper-ventilate when I realize that I haven't yet scratched the surface of what can be done to spread the word about my book and to increase sales. And it's about that time that I realize how important it is that I finish my research, at least enough so that I can finish the book so other authors can put the information to use for their own books.

So, I've got to go back to reading/researching so I can finish the next book. I know this one is needed as there isn't anything like it available and it will be the best resource guide for new and proven authors to reach the greatest number of potential readers for their books.

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