Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Authors' Promotion Online: Good, Bad or Ugly?

Some of the social media gurus are saying that authors should not be pushing their books through the social media outlets, and they should merely become part of the community. By becoming part of the community they will become known and others may ask about their books.

Well, this author, definitely promotes her book through Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, but I do go about it in a soft-sell approach. I offer a helping hand, if you will. I also make announcements about what's happening with my writing, ie: book events, press mentions/interviews, sales, etc. Most of the followers on my social networks are in the publishing world and are authors, themselves. I feel that it's encouraging to hear what other authors are doing. Who knows maybe we'll be able to help each other. I've even placed ads on Facebook and LinkedIn, thus gaining exposure and meeting more authors. Since my book is meant to empower authors to help themselves, I think it's only natural that I keep them up-to-date on my own campaign.
What do you think as an author, are you promoting yourself on social media?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Love Does Conquer All-Review of I Wish You Enough

From the moment I opened to the first page, to the very last sentence I was captive of the message that clearly is love conquers all. Bob Perks is a master of bringing the reader back to his/her roots and conjuring up images of memories once remembered, but forgotten. Recognizing that love is in everything and everyone; every circumstance no matter how one might percieve the situation helps to bring us back to our true nature, children of God.

Since reading this book, I've had an unexpected number of people who, because of loss of loved ones, I've purchased I Wish You Enough. All, without exception have thanked me profusely, stating how comforting the content was for them in their hour of need.

Writers Workshops

What is to be gained by attending a writers' workshop or conference? Short answer, much. As a writer of almost 30 years, I've been to a number of conferences, conventions, workshops, meetings, and groups' events. I don't beleive that one can ever know all of the answers,  nor have enough support for the writing life. Whether you attend a writers' function in-person or online, there is a reason to participate. You may not even be aware the purpose in your attendance, but it will come. I try and attend several every year and beyond that I condut workshops for others. The saying, teach what you want to learn, certainly applies.

So, if you've been writing and feel like you need to connect or just want to stay in-the-know, check out the writers' conferences offered all over the country online and in-person. A good resource is Shaws Guides or Writer's Digest.http://www.shawsguides.com/ or http://www.writersdigest.com/

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Media Attention

How does any author, today, get the media's attention? How can your book compete with current events, celebrity book releases or vampires?

It's true that the media's attention goes with the direction of the wind. You may have just landed a national television interview only to be bumped by an earthquake happening on the other side of the planet or a health epidemic.

Some celebrities can knock you right off the air and the bookshelf.

How about the vampire rage? Everyone is growing fangs and maybe that's not such a bad idea.  What I mean is, instead of trying to compete, ride on their coattails.

Think about your book...can you tie it into current events? Is it possible to have a celebrity write the forward or endorse it? How about those underworld characters-is there a way to include some aspect of them in your book?

You may just be able to generate some unexpected publicity if you're willing to go along with the flow than fight it.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Writer Has Written

Yes, I've been writing, just not blogging and I did take a little time off, but I'm back. As a writer, in order to better the art of writing, one must write. It's just part of the deal and not unlike any other profession or art. The more you do it, thearetically, you get better. If that really is true, then I should be a New York Times bestseller, however, you have to finish the writing, submit it and actually get published.  There in lies the challenge, but the future of publishing is changing and I believe it will be easier for more writers to find a way to get their written words in front of their audience.  E-books will change the way writers find thier audiences, along with the easability of self-publishing.
Stay-tuned for updates.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Endagered Species: Pen & Paper

Writing letters used to be commonplace, but in today's world of e-mail, actual paper and pen are almost extinct. So, I took out my fountain pen and ink and wrote my sister a letter. The experience of holding the pen and slowly forming the script on the paper was meditative. Everything slowed down, enabling me to be more contemplative and present. I think sometimes, I'm in such a rush to get an e-mail sent that I feel as though I'm just stating the facts and sometimes, not well.

I'm going to take it upon myself to write, long-hand more oftten and allow myself to the luxury of a moment.  Perhaps, this process will put me back in touch, more regularly.  I'll be sure to let you know and invite you to join me.
For my sister, Claudia:


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Writer Today, Tomorrow and Everyday

I've been writing for over 40 years, starting with my teenage diary and now writing to help other writers to sell their books. I'm committed to helping other writers/authors spread the word about their craft.  We all know that it's not enough to write a great book; every author must figure out how to promote, publicize and speak about their books.

However, writers need to first make the commitment to themselves to be a writer 24/7, it's only then that you will find the strength that you will need to carry yourself through the journey of greeting the day, everyday knowing that you must also wear the hat of marketer, publicist and speaker.

Having the support of fellow writers is one way to help build your confidence and your stamina.

Thank you!