Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Authors' Promotion Online: Good, Bad or Ugly?

Some of the social media gurus are saying that authors should not be pushing their books through the social media outlets, and they should merely become part of the community. By becoming part of the community they will become known and others may ask about their books.

Well, this author, definitely promotes her book through Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, but I do go about it in a soft-sell approach. I offer a helping hand, if you will. I also make announcements about what's happening with my writing, ie: book events, press mentions/interviews, sales, etc. Most of the followers on my social networks are in the publishing world and are authors, themselves. I feel that it's encouraging to hear what other authors are doing. Who knows maybe we'll be able to help each other. I've even placed ads on Facebook and LinkedIn, thus gaining exposure and meeting more authors. Since my book is meant to empower authors to help themselves, I think it's only natural that I keep them up-to-date on my own campaign.
What do you think as an author, are you promoting yourself on social media?