Saturday, November 7, 2009

Book Publicity...More Is Better

Publicity is the one thing that will continue to sustain your book, add to its value and beget more publicity. The real question is how does an author continue to secure publicity for their book?  The answer...ask for it AND produce a reason for the press to be interested.

I recently won a placement for my book, 101 Author Tips, as finalist in the Business category of writing/publishing from the National Best Book Awards 2009. I immediately sent out an e-mail blast to friends, family, colleagues, writers, bookstores, venues and last, but definitely not least, the media.  As a result, The Long-Islander News interiew me and ran a fabulous article along with a new photo of me pictured with my award certificate! Now that this has run, I will again, reach out to the media letting them know about it and suggest they might want to do the same. In fact, they could rerun this interview in their own publication, making fast and easy for them and me.

As authors, we are responsible for keeping our book/s alive. So, ask yourself the question: "What is it about my book, that the press would be interested in covering?" You may just be surprised at the answer your recieve.
Write On, Write Now!

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